Madrid Spain
my story
Born in Granada in 1953, he is a journalist, photographer and graphic editor. He studied Law and Information Sciences in Granada and Madrid.
He was part of the founding team of the newspaper EL PAÍS, to whose staff he belonged for eight years.
In 1984 and 1985, awarded a scholarship by the Joint Hispanic-American Committee, he furthered his studies in photography and TV production at The New School for Social Research in New York.
Graphic editor during the period of maximum diffusion of the weekly TIEMPO (1986-1990). Editor-in-chief of photography for the newspaper YA. Assistant director of the newspaper AS. He was deputy director and graphic editor of the literary magazine Mercurio. Silver Award from the Society of News Design for the graphic edition of EL PAÍS 20 YEARS and Photopress and Fujifilm awards for reporting.
Co-author of the books Autumn Inventory, with Manuel Vicent (Debate); The Golden Age, with Vicente Molina Foix (El País Aguilar); Holding the Gaze, with Antonio Muñoz Molina (Andalusian Center of Photography); editor and curator of the exhibition A Geography. Eight Andalusian trips and editor, coordinator and photographer of Andalusians in the Fields of Mauthausen (Centre for Andalusian Studies).
He is currently showing part of his photographic work with the exhibition Las caras del tiempo.