Tetouan, Morocco
my story
Born in Tetouan, Morocco, in 1956, he lives and works in Madrid. Title of Decoration and advertising at the National School of Fine Arts of Tetouan. Bachelor's degree, Faculty of Fine Arts, Complutense University of Madrid. Monographic courses of the doctorate in the Department of Art History, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous University of Madrid.
After working as a printmaker at Repro-Art in Madrid, he opens his own workshop where he carries out
its painting, engraving and graphic design as a platform for research and development. He published several articles and artistic-cultural chronicles in newspapers and magazines. He has illustrated numerous books and designed several
posters and covers.
He has organized Arabic Calligraphy Art Workshops in Schools and Universities, has given Workshops
Engraving in Spain, Italy and Morocco. He has participated in different artistic residences, has exhibited in several countries, Azerbaijan, Brazil, Spain, France, Italy, Morocco, Norway, Peru, Poland, Syria, Santiago de Chile...
For Rafael Canogar
… Said's work is essentially plastic, rich in metaphors and with dimensions that transcend
the two-dimensionality of the pictorial plane. His work is, at times, a wounded, drilled space: a battlefield between the artist and the work, where the matter remains as a testimony or witness of that body to body; in others, the surface grows with the incorporation of elements, of extra pictorial objects,
but that Said wisely incorporates giving them a new iconographic dimension and as carriers of ideas and messages...
To Emilio Sanz de Soto
... Said Messari's work is the work of a painter who thinks and feels as a painter. His work is therefore the result of this thinking and this feeling, all filtered by the never-hidden need to reduce his means to the essential... In Said Messari, as in many painters with a solid academic background,
-no matter how much they try to forget it, no matter how much they try to free themselves from it-, this formation will always be there, in their work, no matter how little or nothing academic it may be.
Malika Embarek López says:
… If we could listen to the works, Said's would be polyphonic, like a journey within ourselves. In addition to the liveliness expressed by the semiotic force of the textures on paper (worked on by the author),
Messari's work reflects nature, the human being in the era of technological development and the struggle between human memory and artificial memory...